Parental consent form
Parental consent and release form template to efficiently gather parent/guardian details, child's information, emergency contacts, trip permissions, waivers, and more.

- Secure
- GDPR-compliant
- Mobile-friendly
- WCAG2-compliant
- Blazing fast
- Customizable
Field insights
Field analytics helps identify trends and insights from form responses. For a parental consent form, understanding "Relation to child" selections provides schools or organizations keen insights into family dynamics. This can aid in tailoring communication and support, ensuring that they reach the appropriate guardians efficiently.
Frequently asked questions
Can I customize the fields in this consent template?
Yes, you can customize the fields in this template to fit your specific needs. You can add, remove, or modify any field using our form builder tools.
Is the template mobile-friendly?
Yes, the template is designed to be responsive, meaning it will look good and function well on mobile devices, tablets, and desktops.
Do I need to have technical skills to use this template?
No, you do not need any technical skills to use this template. The form builder is user-friendly and easy to navigate. If you have any questions, our support team is here to help.
Can I collect emergency contact details using this form?
Yes, this form includes sections for collecting emergency contact details, including the name, phone number, and relationship to the child.
Is there a way to confirm all the information before submitting?
Yes, there is a confirmation page at the end of the form where you can review all the information entered before finally submitting the form.
How do I know if permission has been granted for my child to attend a trip?
The form includes a specific section where you can indicate whether or not you grant permission for your child to attend the trip. If permissions is not granted the form uses conditional logic to show an error message, and disable the form.
- Secure
- GDPR-compliant
- Mobile-friendly
- WCAG2-compliant
- Blazing fast
- Customizable